
The Best Cat Brushes For Shedding

Cats may be known for their fastidious grooming habits, but many felines still need a helping hand in the grooming department from time to time. Especially for long-haired cats, a regular brushing can help ensure their health and wellness during shedding season. Finding the best cat brush for shedding for your feline companion means reading… Read More

The Best Litter Box Liners

Cleaning the litter box is an unpleasant but necessary part of cat ownership. And, for your favorite feline’s health, it’s worth the effort. However, this universal task of regular cat care can be made easier with cat litter box liners. These liners protect the litter box itself so you don’t need to scrub clumps of… Read More

The Best Cat Grass

Sometimes you see a product’s name and you have no idea what that product is or what it does. That is most definitely not true with cat grass. Cat grass is a product whose name tells you exactly what it is: It is grass that is safe for cats to eat. People generally look to… Read More

The Best Cat Dental Treats

Most cat owners know how important dental health is for their feline companion. However, when it comes to brushing their cat’s teeth, many owners suddenly feel like their gentle house cat has the size and attitude of a lion. They fear reaching into their cat’s mouth to brush their teeth even though they know just… Read More

The Best Cat Ear Cleaners

Cats may be meticulous groomers, but that doesn’t mean they don’t need your help to stay clean and healthy. Cats can be prone to excessive ear wax, ear mites, and fungal, bacterial, and yeast infections in their ears. Infections can cause odor and uncomfortable irritation. That’s where cat ear cleaners come in. These sprays, liquids,… Read More

The Best Cat Grooming and Deshedding Gloves

Cats become such an integral part of life that it’s hard to imagine your home without them. However, if the cat hair in your carpet, on your furniture, and floating in the air disappeared, you probably wouldn’t miss it. Cats play an irreplaceable role in the lives of their owners, but cat ownership comes with… Read More